Relaxation as a stepping stone for meditation.
Many people simply meditate to solve mental and physical fatigue and unwind. Other people give to experience to understand and deepen their own consciousness. Several studies indicate that regular meditation has positive effects on the stress levels of people, but also leads to more self-realization. Meditation is good for both the body and the mind and consciousness. Blood pressure normalizes, as well as the related biochemicals stress such as cortisol, adrenaline, etc. In recent decades has been done in-depth research into the effects and health benefits meditation to hundreds of universities and research centers in more than 30 countries. More than 600 scientific studies have delivered many articles and research published in famous scientific journals.
Nowadays it is quite common to meditate, there are many forms of meditation. But I've noticed from experience with people who are depressed often true that meditation can be very challenging and frustrating. If you're depressed, you often have an unceasing constant stream of inner dialogue which often are not positive or constructive. You think if it were in circles, always coming to the same conclusions from negative and tense your body, you're tired but it seems like you turn brain working overtime.
To this state of mind you try to focus on breathing and silence between thoughts is often just super frustrating and counterproductive.
In the past when I worked at the department mood disorders often gave group relaxation exercises. The big difference with mediation is that he relaxation exercises you shifted the focus on your body. The goal is to attract methodical and releasing the muscles.
Again, exercise can be frustrating at first, but from experience I have found that because the body in someone who is depressed is often extremely tense. People recognize initially at least tension in the body, and gain back to control of the way their body feels.
Even now in my work with private clients, I notice that people often benefit from these exercises at least to get back in the moment, and by heart, even if only for a few minutes.
Relaxation exercises can teach you well again learn to relax again. Chv by fear and your body will not relax more you learn your body no longer relax so you must learn to do again. Like walking first you have to learn it again. So consequent are doing the exercises and do not expect it after one day effect has this takes time. Do it 2 to 3 times a day and pull out for some time.
You can do the exercise in any posture: sitting, lying or standing. Begin the exercise by your attention first to focus on your body and the body just to walk along. How does it feel? It is supposed to tighten the muscles, hold for a few seconds and then release and relax. It should not hurt. Feel how it feels and repeat tightening and relaxing the muscle group, if necessary. So you go down all the muscle groups in your body. Say every relaxation 'relax', this increases the effect. Right foot: tighten-hold-relax
Other foot.
Right Leg Stretch your leg forward and pull your toes toward you. Tensioning-hold-relax.
Abdominal muscles: pull your tummy in. Tensioning-hold-relax.
Buttocks: squeeze your buttocks together.
Chest muscles: put your chest out.
Shoulder muscles: pull your shoulders.
Neck muscles: you push your neck to the left, right and forward. Interim increasingly relaxed.
Right arm and hand, make a fist and tense your arm muscles
Other arm and hand.
Face: squeeze your face together. It is basically pulling a face.
Feel hereinafter how your body feels.
This relaxation exercise can a stepping stone for other mediation forms such as walking in nature, and intuitive drawing.