Practical Aid
cooking of meals, grocery shopping, house tidying
per hour
Social support
companionship, support with physical and mental health, support with personal hygiene.
accompanying or visiting in hospital or leisure activities.
relaxation exercises
per hour
Child care
infants, young children and adolescents.
Babysitting, Children activities, Day trips.
Dog care
dog walking, dog playing and actvities, dog sitting.
per hour
Our first meeting is free of charge. We examine together the type of help that is required, and see if we're a match.
- Prices are flexible depending on the type of help or support and the amount of hours.
- Quotes on request
- Chèque emploi service universel (CESU) ★ accepted
★ I work with the Chèque emploi service universel (CESU) it is designed to simplify the formalities for private individuals to hire domestic help or other jobs related to the home, in compliance with French labour law. The Chèque emploi service universel or CESU can be used to pay me for the diffrent types of services that I offer: The Cheque d'Emploi Service (CES) will deduct by direct debit from the employer's bank account the relevant social charges in proportion to the amount paid to the employee.

In this simulation a client hires the me, "the caregiver" to work for 5 hours at a rate of €20 per hour. "The caregiver" cashes the cheque and gets paid €20 per hour x 5 hours = total €100. The CESU system is notified of the payment and they then take the cotisations patronales of €53.42 from the bank account of the client by direct debit. "The caregiver" will be responsible for the €30.49 cotisations salariales and will receive a payslip with a detail of the social charges paid. The client gets notified by post of the breakdown of the social charges which can be included in the yearly income tax return and result in a tax crédit or réduction - depending on the fiscal scheme of the employer - up to an amount of € 90.08.
In practice In order to use the system you first need to register as an employer online at www.cesu.urssaf.fr.
Once you have registered as an employer, you can also pay with your own cheque (or cash) and fill in the form online at www.cesu.urssaf.fr or net-particulier.fr Source: Urssaf / Net-particulier.fr.